Wednesday, December 25, 2013

How to Buy?

If you like the creatures of Pandala Islands, you can order by sending a message here or check our Etsy page for details about prices and shipping. Thank you!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Pair of Pearl Eyed Owls

Mi az a Mesekavics?

Ezen a blogon kézzel festett kavicsok láthatók. A miniatúrák madarakat, fákat, halakat, és egyéb fura lényeket ábrázolnak. Minden kavics hátoldalán mágnes van, ezáltal bármilyen vasfelületre odaragadnak, mint egy hűtőmágnes.

Többek azonban szimpla dekorációnál: interaktív képként játszhatnak velük gyerekek és felnőttek. A kavicsmágnesekhez ugyanis háttérképek is tartoznak, falra akasztható, vékony, festett vaslapok, melyek tengert, dzsungelt, dimbes-dombos tájat ábrázolnak. Ezeken a kavicslények tetszés szerint ide-oda mozgathatók, megszólaltathatók hangulat és kedv szerint. A gyerekek eljátszhatják életük aktuális eseményeit, és ha a felnőttek odaülnek és részt vesznek a játékban, sokat megtudhatnak a kicsiket foglalkoztató problémákról, kérdésekről.

A kavicslények ugyan elsősorban a gyerekeknek készülnek, de reményeim szerint a felnőtt lélek gyermeki rétegét is megmozgatják. A cél: termékenyítően hatni a fantáziára, inspirálni, szemet gyönyörködtetni. És persze megismertetni mindenkivel a mesebeli Pandala-szigetek (Pandala Islands) fantasztikus élővilágát.

Az interaktív képek, a kavicsmágnesek és a festett hátterek megvásárolhatók készletben vagy külön-külön is. Egyedi megrendeléseket is vállalok!

Pandala Islands catalogue in french!

Ceci n'est pas un hibou!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Pandala Islands catalogue

Watch out! This is the brand new catalogue of the animals of Pandala Islands! Here you can find the Spotted Whales, the Miyazaki Parrot, the Yellow Pandala and the Interactive Paintings as well. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Tropical Rainforest with Purple Flower

This interactive painting has been made for 3 year-old Tara. But why is it interactive? Because kids can touch it and play with the figures. With this kind of background come 6 fantastic animals from the jungle collection: Parrots, Owls, Tucans, Butterflies, Pandala bears. Chose which you like! You can hang Tropical Rainforest painting on the kids' wall or place it on the table to play.

Materials: acrylic paint on iron plate with magnetic stone figures. Unique, handmade figures on pebbles from the beach.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tiger Fish

These orange striped fish have fast, explosive swimming style, but they also like to float over the seabed contemplating by the coral reef. Materials: acrylic paint on iron plate with magnetic stone figures. Unique, handmade figures on pebbles from the beach.

Monday, October 14, 2013

The Night Conference of Owls

Superhero Owls and Jungle Owls gathered to discuss the latest news on the purple trees of the Pandala Islands. Materials: acrylic paint on iron plate with magnetic stone figures. Unique, handmade figures on pebbles from the beach.

The Night Conference of Owls

Saturday, October 12, 2013

About Pandala Islands

Smiling Whale
Welcome to the Pandala Islands' world! Here you can pet your own smiling whale swimming in the tropical sea or create a jungle full of colorful and funny beings as pandala bears. How?
These interactive paintings are not just for the eyes but for the hands, too. Have you ever touched a painting? It's time to do so! Hand-painted stone magnets and magical backgrounds are waiting for you!
I started to paint these little colorful creatures on small stones, pebbles a few years ago. I liked them very much, so did the children around me. Not to lose the stones immediately, it was obvious to put a magnet on their back, and I thought a fridge or a metal cabinet a perfect place for them. You see them every time you open the fridge and they can help holding important notes as 'Don't forget to buy some cookies!'
The next step was to create an environment, background for the creatures, because they've asked for it. So rainforests and tropical seas has been painted - and the imaginary Pandala Islands has become reality.
Green Frog
And as you can move the beings due to your moods or the weather, I realized that's how one can play with these paintings. You can create your own stories, and playing along with kids, it can help to solve their problems as well, just listen carefully!
So that is the story of my interactive paintings, which I labeled as children play-artifact, but I think adults may like it as much and find real fun in it! I love to paint and I think it's an endless game, a meditation and the source of flow. I hope you will enjoy it, too!

Would you like to know more about it? Please visit my Facebook page (it's Hungarian), my Pinterest page and my Etsy page.

The Seven Samurai Fish