Wednesday, September 10, 2014

About Me

Hello, my name is Orsolya (Or-shaw-yuh), but everyone calls me Orsi (Or-she). 

I am a Hungarian woman, working as a journalist, film critic and editor. I have two kids: Lia (14) and Fulop (3,5).

I started to paint little colourful creatures on small stones, pebbles three years ago. I liked them very much, so did the children around me. Not to lose the stones immediately, it was obvious to put a magnet on their back, and I thought a fridge or a metal cabinet a perfect place for them. You see them every time you open the fridge and they can help holding important notes as 'Don't forget to buy some cookies!'

I continued experiencing and I realized: my animals like to play and wish to have backgrounds that fit. So I created interactive paintings. My first creative book has came out during this Spring.

This is how it starts:

"This book has been made for you. The moment you open it you can enter the world of the imaginary Pandala Islands and get acquainted with the magical stone beings. You can also paint them on pebbles, make salt dough fish ornaments, make felt tic-tac-toe game board for your pandalas, make milk carton pencil holder, color grinning whales, chatty parrots and carnival owls. You can collect and recycle materials in your environment – organic like stone or wood, or artificial as a milk carton. I would like to encourage you to see and find your own fantasy animal! If you wish you can copy the beings of this book, but it’s even better to create your own, unique animal. Enjoy exploring and have fun!"

This blog is my in personal playground. I hope you'll enjoy it! And by the way, Mesekavics means Pebble Tale in Hungarian.


P.s.:This is the cover. It's in Hungarian, but I plan to publish the English version soon!
P.s.2.: Hungary is a small Central-Eastern European country next to Austria.

Summer 2014

During the Summer I have participated in a lot of Fairs around the countryside - some of them near Lake Balaton, Hungary.
Enjoy my gallery of photos!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Still Life in Still Water

Grinning Spotted Whale, Snarlfish, Surgeon Fish and Tiger Fish is floating around the yellow sea rose.
Pandala Islands Sea Sticker Set with 4 hand-painted stone magnets.
Play your own nautical story!